Family owned for 17+ years. We offer a variety of cutting edge machining services across all automotive platforms. We specialize in precision machining. Unlike other shops in our area, we used updated industry-standard CNC hones, precision indicators and bore gauges, diamond tooling and much more. Check out all of our services we offer.
Cleaning Services
3x Ultrasonic Cleaners
Steelshot Cabinet
Soda / Wet Blasting
Glass Bead Cabinet
Block Services
Line Hone
50+ Torque Plate options
Cylinder Head Checkout
Vacuum Testing
Pressure Testing
Valve Grind
Machinery for surfacing @ variable speeds to produce different RA finishes.
Only Local Shop in the Pacific Northwest with over 50+ torque plate options for today’s most popular engine configurations (i.e. SBC, BBC, LS, RB, JZ, Subaru, and more). Our shop is also equipped to handle even small engine configurations such as: ATVs, dirt bikes, UTVs, small tractor motors, and air-cooled options.